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Partner Interview: Jamie Storrs from Chenmark

April 11, 2023

VP of Marketing

Name: Jamie Storrs

Title/Current Company: VP of Marketing at Chenmark

What do you do? How did you get to where you are today?

Currently, I'm the VP of Marketing at Chenmark, a holding company based in Portland, Maine, that owns and operates a number of small businesses across a variety of industries in the US and Canada, from a Tree Farm in Tennesee to a Pirate Ship in Florida, to Landscaping in New England and more. 

I got here through a bit of a circuitous route; I started my "professional career" out in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, with an outdoor sports public relations firm called Terra PR, run by a fantastic woman named Alli Noland. At the time, my girlfriend, now wife, was working for a competing firm, and I thought, "that looks interesting; I bet I could do that as well." Truth be told, she was always much better at it than me.

After that, I stayed in PR in and out of the Outdoor Industry, with a brief stint in Tech PR in Boston, before landing with Peak Resorts at their flagship resort, Mount Snow, in Vermont. While I enjoyed running communications for a number of resorts across the East Coast and Midwest, we were purchased by Vail Resorts a few years later, and things started changing drastically, so I figured it was time for a change. 


I had been in talks with the partners behind Chenmark, who at the time were considering developing an internal marketing role to support the work of their OpCos at Chenmark and then came on board in 2020. It's been a great time here as we've grown over the past three years, and exciting to see where we're heading. 

What's your favorite thing to do outside of work? What are you passionate about?

For me, it's always been finding time alone or with a partner in the outdoors; bikes in the summer, and ski touring in the winter. I tend toward being more interested in a gravel biking sufferfest rather than a scenic ride, though, so it requires the right partner. In the past few years, though, it's been amazing to start introducing my two kids (ages 3&5) to the outdoors; even though it has led to having to recalibrate what a "good day" of skiing has been, now a win is less about the number of laps or standing on top of something, and more about leaving the day with both kids happy and asking when we can go back. 

When did you start working with the oakpool team?

This is a bit of a nuanced question. James Hamilton and I have worked together other the years in various capacities and projects, so when it was time to find a new agency for one of our boat tour companies in Maine, he was my first call. We're now about to start our third season with Oakpool, and looking forward to expanding the work we do with them. 

How would you describe working with the oakpool team? What do they help you with?

We work with Oakpool to help outsource our Paid Search, Paid Social, Organic Social, and Review Management for our boat tour companies. This allows our team to focus on running the business while knowing those channels are properly handled. Plus, our organic social is night and day better than it was before Oakpool because we now finally have someone solely responsible for it. It's been a great lift. 

What does "Sustainable Growth" mean to you?

Sustainable growth for us is very important as one of our core beliefs at Chenmark is playing the long game. Here's how we express that mentality: We think in decades, not years. We believe in the power of compounding and know that small, incremental improvements – done every day – will create lasting success. We believe that, in the long run, relationships matter, and we know that we can't effectively take care of our companies if we don't first take care of ourselves and our families.

One thing you would say to a colleague considering working with oakpool?

While there are a number of agencies to choose from, Oakpool's unique ability to scale up and down service levels and offerings for us has been a fantastic feature. With a distributed team of experts, they're able to quickly source additional team members for us as we've needed them for both continued efforts, as well as one-off projects. They've been a significant boost for our company and I'd highly recommend them.

Connect with Jamie on LinkedIn

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